End-to-End Visibility

Supply chains in large and medium-sized companies consist of numerous individual locations spread around the globe. The complexity of sourcing, manufacturing and distribution structures makes it a challenge to maintain an overview.

Increased visibility is the basis for a systematic improvement of your supply chain performance.

Survey results on supply chain visibility
We don't have full visibility in our supply chains
Supply Chain visibility is an important or very important topic for us
We wish for a tool support to have more transparency in our supply chains


LOOMEO SCD is a digital twin of your physical supply chain that creates end-to-end visibility across the supply chains. Through a smart data model, the supply chain can be viewed from both a supplier perspective downstream as well as from a customer perspective upstream. By using intelligent technologies, you will be able to focus on the essentials and maintain an overview in the complex network.

Visualization in World map

The map allows you to view the supply chain in a geographical context. Through different settings, you have the possibility to look at the supply chain from different directions and thus to keep the overview.

  • User-friendly visualizations
  • Recognizing big picture of your supply chain
  • Thrill down on essentials through effective filter functions

Displaying the Product structure

By integrating the product structure into the scope of observation, advanced graph technology can be used to transparently map additional relationships, such as the dependency of suppliers on customers.

  • Connection of supply chain structure and product structure
  • Numerous analysis functions
  • Possibility to present indirect dependencies

Advanced analytics

LOOMEO SCD comes along with various possibilities to display the supply chain and interdependencies between different entities in your supply chain, for example, raw material and finished products by mapping them in material flows.

  • Visualisation of material flows
  • Analyses of supply chain from different perspectives
  • Easy customizable dashboards to fit your use case

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    More use cases and resources

    Use Case: SC Risk Management
    Use Case: Impact analysis of failures
    Self-assessment tool on SCRM
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